Nice to meet you.
We’ve been married since 1996. We have 5 awesome kids and we’ve raised them in our two bedroom apartment in Manhattan where we’ve lived since 1999.
Erik is an Emmy Award® winning writer. Emily is a former English teacher turned homeschool mom. Together we now write, speak and teach about living a better story.
We believe the most important thing you can do is live a better story. We believe the greatest gift we can all give each other is encouragement. We hope sharing our stories sparks clarity and confidence in you to live deliberately doing what you care about most with the people you care about most.
Click below to read some of our adventures that highlight how we've learned what we now share.

2017 Rock Climbing
from the beginning. Living out of our van across the U.S. and Canada, ending up in Yosemite.
READ MORE2018 rock climbing road trip
to climb El Capitan in Yosemite (on our way to house sit in Hawaii).

2018-19 sailing and vanning across Europe
through Ireland, Finland, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco and Portugal.

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